2.5 Running mode
Running mode means, that the controller constantly adjust the boiler load in the area
20 to 100 % depending on the actual heat demand. The controller will constantly aim
after the temperature chosen, e.g. 70 ºC. The fan will operate in pulses, to reduce the
amount of air by lower boiler loads. The higher the load the more the fan runs. By 100
% load the fan run continuously.
Large heat demand = High boiler load
Small heat demand = Low boiler load (ore pause mode)
An example of the control by the controlling unit:
1. The boiler runs stable and maintains the desired boiler temperature, say 70 ºC and
the load is shown as 45% on the display.
2. Now you use hot water for dish washing, bath or the like.
3. The controller will note, that the boiler temperature drops to under 70 ºC, as the
water in the boiler is cooled due to the hot water used.
4. The display will tell, that the load increases, as falling boiler temperature is noted.
The boiler has to work “harder” to maintain the boiler temperature.
The LOAD data in the display is showing how hard the boiler ”works”
2.6 Pause mode
If the heat demand is relatively small and the controller has reduced the load down <
20%, the boiler goes into “Pause”. During the pause the fan is started every 10 min.
and runs a little, to keep the glows in the burner tube alive.
The boiler will go into running mode when the boiler temperature has fallen some few
degrees under the adjusted temperature.
Should the boiler run in pause mode for a longer period and only start a few
times a day – say in summer – the flue temperature is very low, which can cause
condensation of moisture in the chimney, causing soot and corrosion in the
chimney. To minimise or perhaps avoid this, you should open the bypass
damper totally to avoid cooling the flue too much.
(see section 2.8, bypass)
2.7 Stop
Manuel stop. : Press »STOP« and the boiler will stop.
Automatic stop. : The boiler stops automatically by errors or the like.
Are cancelled by pressing »START«
See section 3 Troubleshooting, regarding how to spot errors
Section 2 – Start up and normal use