S2390B Trinity KT-A
USB Keyboard Support
This function can enable or disable the use of a USB Keyboard. Default is disabled.
CPU to PCI Write Buffer
When this field is Enabled, writes from the CPU to the PCI bus are buffered to
compensate for the speed differences between the CPU and the PCI bus. When
Disabled, the writes are not buffered and the CPU must wait until the write is complete
before starting another write cycle.
PCI Dynamic Bursting
When Enabled, every write transaction goes to the write buffer. Burstable transactions
then burst on the PCI bus; nonburstable transactions do not.
PCI Master 0 WS Write
When this field is Enabled, writes to the PCI bus are executed with zero wait states.
PCI Delay Transaction
The chipset has an embedded 32-bit posted write buffer to support delay transaction
cycles. Select Enabled to support compliance with PCI specification version 2.1.
PCI#2 Access #1 Retry
Select Enabled to rotate priority of PCI masters.
AGP Master 1 WS Write / Read
Select Enabled to add one clock tick to AGP write operations.
Memory Parity / ECC Check
Select Enabled, Disabled, or Auto. In Auto mode, the BIOS enables memory checking
automatically when it detects the presence of ECC or parity DRAM.