SOLARLOK Interconnection System
Issued 8-2010
Installation Manual
All specifications subject to change. Consult Tyco Electronics for latest specifications.
Pre-Assembled (Connector Kit)
Push contact with cable into the connector housing
until you hear the contact give an audible click and
you feel the contact reach the end position. To verify
contact engagement, give a slight gentle pull back
on the cable, to be sure that the contact is locked.
Tighten the cable screw lock. The initial assembly
tightening torque is
1.3 + 0.2 Nm
. For this, a
slotted socket wrench with wrench size 13 mm,
is recommended.
4. Connector Mating
When mating the SOLARLOK connectors, connectors
labelled with a “+” or “-” are keyed and can only be
mated with equally (same polarity) marked and keyed
The connector system is fully latched only when the
latches have clicked onto the mating connector.
The “neutral” designated male connector incorporates
no keying features and may be freely mated to either
“+” or “-” keyed plug connectors. The neutral product
should not be used when maintaining polarity is
critical. It is only permitted for serial connections.