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RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Sprinklers 

4.9 K-factor Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent 

Wet Pipe and Dry Pipe Systems

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Always refer to Technical Data 

Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER  

WARNING” that provides cautions 

with respect to handling and instal-

lation of sprinkler systems and com-

ponents. Improper handling and in-

stallation can permanently damage 

a sprinkler system or its compo-

nents and cause the sprinkler to fail  

to operate in a fire situation or cause  

it to operate prematurely.






LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed 

Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are decora-

tive, fast response, fusible solder sprin-

klers designed for use in residential oc-

cupancies such as homes, apartments, 

dormitories, and hotels.
The Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly con-

ceals the sprinkler operating compo-

nents above the ceiling. The flat profile 

of the Cover Plate provides the optimum 

aesthetically appealing sprinkler design. 

Additionally, the concealed design of the 

Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Con-

cealed Pendent Sprinklers provides 1/2 

inch (12,7 mm) vertical adjustment. This 

adjustment provides a measure of flex-

ibility when cutting fixed sprinkler drops. 
The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate 

Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are in-

tended for use in the following systems:
• wet and dry pipe residential sprin-

kler systems for one- and two-fam-

ily dwellings and mobile homes per 


• wet and dry pipe residential sprin-

kler systems for residential occu-

pancies up to and including four sto-

ries in height per NFPA 13R

• wet and dry pipe sprinkler systems 

for the residential portions of any 

occupancy per NFPA 13

The Series LFII Residential Sprinklers 

have been designed with heat sensitiv-

ity and water distribution characteristics 

proven to help in the control of residen-

tial fires and to improve the chance for 

occupants to escape or be evacuated. 
The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate 

Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are 

shipped with a Disposable Protective 

Cap. The Protective Cap protects the 

sprinkler during ceiling installation or 

finish. After ceiling installation is com-

plete, the Protective Cap is removed 

and the Cover Plate/Retainer Assem-

bly is installed. Removing the Protec-

tive Cap is required for proper sprinkler 


Dry Pipe System Application

The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate 

Concealed Pendent Sprinkler offers a 

laboratory approved option for design-

ing dry pipe residential sprinkler sys-

tems, whereas, most residential sprin-

klers are laboratory approved for wet 

systems only.
Through extensive testing, it has been 

determined that the number of design 

sprinklers (hydraulic design area) for the 

Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Con-

cealed Sprinklers (TY2524) need not be 

increased over the number of design 

sprinklers (hydraulic design area) speci-

fied for wet pipe sprinkler systems, as 

is customary for density/area sprinkler 

systems designed per NFPA 13, 13D, 

or 13R.
Consequently, the Series LFII Residen-

tial Flat-Plate Concealed Sprinklers 

(TY2524) offer the features of non-wa-

ter filled pipe in addition to not having to 

increase the number of design sprinklers 

(hydraulic design area) for systems de-

signed to NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R.


The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate 

Concealed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) 

described herein must be installed and 

maintained in compliance with this doc-

ument and the applicable standards of 

the National Fire Protection Association, 

in addition to the standards of any au-

thorities having jurisdiction. Failure to 

do so may impair the performance of 

these devices.

The owner is responsible for maintaining 

their fire protection system and devic-

es in proper operating condition. Con-

tact the installing contractor or sprinkler 

manufacturer with any questions.



Number (SIN)

