2.4 Magstrip Card Reader Settings (Option)
On the menu bar,
click “Keyboard” and then “Magstrip Card Reader Setting”, or on the toolbar, click
icon, the following dialogue window will appear.
Set Preamble, Separator, and Postamble by clicking the computer keyboard. The code length for preamble
and postamble string is limited to 10 only.
After sliding a magstrip card along the reader, it will display as follows:
Preamble string, Track 1 Start Sentinel, Track 1 Data, Track 1 End Sentinel, Track 2 Start Sentinel, Track 2
Data, Track 2 End Sentinel, Track 3 Start Sentinel, Track 3 Data, Track 3 End Sentinel, Postamble string.
After finishing the settings you like, press the “Update” button to send these settings to the keyboard, or
press the “OK” button to save the setting in the program memory, and then the dialogue window will be
automatically closed.