EVK-M10QSAM - User guide
10 Troubleshooting
My application (e.g. u-center 2) does not receive all messages
When using UART, check that the baud rate is high enough or reduce the number of enabled
messages. The maximum baud rate of 921600 or 460800 baud rate should be sufficient for most
use cases. If the baud rate is insufficient, GNSS receivers based on u-blox M10 GNSS technology will
skip excessive messages. Some serial port cards/adapters (e.g. USB to RS-232 converter) frequently
generate errors. If a communication error occurs while u-center 2 receives a message, the message
will be discarded.
My application (e.g. u-center 2) loses the connection to the GNSS receiver
u-blox M10 positioning technology and u-center 2 have an autobauding feature. If frequent
communication errors occur (e.g. due to problems with the serial port), the connection may be lost.
This happens because u-center 2 and the GNSS receiver both autonomously try to adjust the baud
rate, if the GNSS receiver has the autobauding enabled. Select a suitable baud rate from the available
list in u-center 2.
Some COM ports are not shown in the port list of my application (e.g. u-center 2)
Only the COM ports that are available on your computer will show up in the COM port drop down list.
If a COM port is gray or u-center 2 is not able to connect to the selected COM port, check if there is
another application running on the computer that is using the same port.
There is no data received from the EVK after connecting the EVK to my application.
Check the interface switch position and ensure that it is set to the communication interface that
is in use.
Do not change the interface switch while the EVK is still powered. Turn off the EVK, change the
switch position and turn on the receiver.
EVK-M10QSAM is not able to use the available FTDI drivers automatically in Linux environment.
EVK-M10QSAM does not officially support Linux and the following configuration is only provided to
map the available FTDI drivers to the connected EVK, which should be useful in most cases.
Map the FTDI drivers that are available in the Linux system to the EVK device by saving the following
configuration in a new rules file under the
For example:
> nano /etc/udev/rules.d/10-evk.rules
ACTION=="add" \, ATTRS{idVendor}=="1546" \, ATTRS{idProduct}=="0506" \,
="ttyEVK%n" \,
RUN+="/sbin/modprobe ftdi_sio" \ RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 1546 0506 > /sys/bus/
RUN+="/bin/stty -F /dev/ttyEVK%n -clocal raw ispeed 9600 ospeed 9600"
The configuration will generate two ports as shown in the example in
be used for UART communication with the receiver.
UBX-22026860 - R01
10 Troubleshooting
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