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How Does Headless Mode Work:

The functioning of headless mode is pretty simple. 
The only pre-requisite is that before taking off, you’re 
required to position the drone in such a way that its 
front is your front. Since yaw (the left stick) anyway 
doesn’t have anything to do with orientation (left 
is left and right is right all the time, regardless of 
where your drone is pointing at), it is how the drone 
reacts to rudder (the right stick) that changes. In other words, even when you 
turn your drone 90 degrees to the left, it’ll still go forward when you push the 
rudder forward (on a non-headless mode drone, this would make the drone go 

One key return is the function which help to save your drone to lost or crash 
when you fly far away from you, like you are flying the drone 100 meters away 
from you, and it's going to out of control, just push down the key on upper right 
side, drone will come to you.

One Key Return: 
