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1.  Use the attached drain hose to empty the dirty 

water from the recovery tank. (See Figure 7)

2.  Remove lid and check that dirty water tank float is 

undamaged, clean and moves freely on pin.  

(See Figures 8 and 9)

3.  Lift off recovery tank to clean. (See Figure 10)

4.  Clean brush and check squeegee is clean and 

blades are not damaged. (See Figure 11)

5.  Check battery charge. (See Figure 12)

6.  To recharge batteries, plug in battery charger using 

electrical cord provided with machine. Charge is 

complete when the green LED light is on. Remove 

the electrical cored once the unit is fully charged 

(See Figures 13 and 14)


1.  Remove the squeegee assembly using the two 

black knobs.

2.  Remove the squeegee 

blade by removing the 

screws, wing nuts and 

blade retainers.  

(See Figure 15)

3.  Reuse the same blade 

by reversing the edge 

in contact with the floor. 

The blades should be 

reused until all four 

edges are worn out 

and can be replaced 

at once.

4.  Align the new (or reversed) blades with the tabs and 

screw holes on the squeegee body.

5.  Reposition the two blade retainers, and insert the 

screws. Attach and tighten the wing nuts. 


1.  With the underside exposed, remove brush by 

rotating clockwise off the center hub.

2.  Install new brush by rotating counterclockwise onto 

the center hub.

Figure 7

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 10

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 15


