User manual
b) The bodyfat percentage:
This value indicates in percent, how much of your total body weight is consisting of fat.
With the help of this percentage you see in a more accurate way than with the BMI, if your
weight is too high. A more higher musclemass can lead to a higher BMI, but a higher
musclemass is not bad at all. But it would be, if this extra weight is because you have a high
body fat percentage. Then you need to do more exercises and start a dietary program to
reduce your body fat. Therefore this value shows you very accurately, if you are really to
heavy because of too high body fat.
There are also ideal values for the body fat percentage:
We recommend, to reset the computer after a bodyfat measurement.
Hints for the shown results:
Almost not one measurement of body fat will show the same results like before. Please keep in mind that
(similar to blood pressure measurement) the smallest movements or surrounding influences or also your
daily constitution will have a strong influence upon the results. So, it is normal if you have different results for
one person within several measurements. Therefore the shown results are always only indications to give
you hints for your body constitution and will help you to find the most effective way of training your body. The
displayed values should only be regarded as evidence of your physical condition in order to support you
finding your individual best way of exercise.