Function Overview
4.4.8 A2 Fake Picker
To checks the capacity of each USB device if it is as it’s claimed. A2 failure means the real
capacity is different from its claim.
Insert the flash card in any port of duplicator; choose function "4.4.8 A2 Fake Picker",
and then press "OK". Within 5~10 seconds, the system will find out the real capacity of
flash device by showing information on the LCD monitor.
In process, user can use
▲ ▼
buttons to check the status of each flash device.
When the red light is on, user also can use
▲ ▼
buttons to check the error message
4.5 Setup
4.5.1 Copy Area System and Files
This is also called "Quick Copy" mode. The system will automatically analyze the source
flash media’s file format. If the data’s file format is FAT16/32, NTFS, Linux (ext2/ext3/ext4)
which is recognizable by the system, it will be able to copy data only when selecting "System
and Files" as copy area setting. Otherwise, if the file format is non-recognizable, the system
will copy the whole flash media no matter what the copy area setting is.
If the source format is NTFS or Linux, to make sure the target could be operated normally, the target capacity
must be equal or bigger than the source device. Whole Media
This setting is to select "Whole Media" as your copy area. The system will copy the whole
flash media, including the empty space and format. This function is used when users want
to copy the whole flash or have a flash source with unknown format. It will take longer time
to make "whole media" copy.
When doing whole media copy, the duplicator will not care the capacity difference between source and targets.
Hence, you should be careful about the data in the target devices after copying.
4.5.2 Button Sound
Choose whether turn on or off the button sound when a button is pressed.