Q5: Why is the copy speed so slow?
Our flash duplicator can reach 1.5GB/m for USB/SD/CF series, 2.5GB/min for Silver
Fox Series and 3.9GB/m for CF series. If you find the copy speed is slow, it may be
affected by flash quality. You can use function”4.2 Measure Speed” to check the flash
Q6. Is it possible to use a 1GB source copy to 2 GB targets (source capacity less
than target)?
Yes, it can copy 1 GB to 2 GB, but the target 2GB will become 1GB when it read on a
PC. The reason is after copy, the target’s FAT table will completely be the same as the
source. You can restore it’s real capacity by re-formatting the device.
Q7. Is it possible to do copy when there is a big difference between Source and
Target’s capacity? For example, a 2GB source copy to 1GB targets?
If the source data is less than target capacity, it is possible to copy from source to
small size target, but the source data must be within the capacity of the target devices.
Also, the data may be lost or produce error due to different capacity copy. It is strongly
recommended to use flash media with the same capacity to do copy.
If Source capacity is SMALLER than the target, for example 1GB to 2GB:
Copy OK
The target 2GB will become
1GB when it read on PC.
You can only restore its 2GB
capacity by reformatting the
When there is a big difference between target and source’s capacity, such as 1GB to 4GB or 1GB to
2GB, there is a possibility to cause error to the target’s capacity, compatibility and format. It is strongly
recommended that target and source have to be in close range of capacity.