U.S. Solid Ba+ery Spot Welder USS-BSW00007 Manual, Version 4.1, 2022.8.16
Welding pressure can be adjusted Distance of two welding pins can The level of two welding pins can
by rota?ng the knob. The adjustment be easily adjusted by turning the also be adjusted easily by turning
range is 600-1200g. screws. The adjustment range is the screws.
Spot welding indicator light Push-down welding func?on - plug 16/25 square two types copper
the wire to the ‘foot control’ of wires can be selected. The default
machine, set the welding mode to type is 16 square copper wire.
‘MT’ welding mode. Push down the
welding pen to trigger the output pulse.
Replacement of 73B Welding Pins
1. Unscrew the head 2. Take down used pins 3. Replace new pins 4. Screw the head