The pilot has to perform right and left turns with increasing bank until the desired angle is reached.
Appropriate break pressure during up or down swing will prevent the wing tips from folding.
Collapsing is only a factor when the bank angle is very high. Collapsing is only a factor when the bank
angle is very high.
Full Frontal
A negative AoA caused by turbulence or the simultaneous pulldown of the A-risers by the pilot, results
in a frontal callapse of the leading edge. The U-Turn ALPINE PEAK 2 normally comes out of a frontstall
by itself very quickly. Smooth and symmetric applying of the brakes assists the opening of the canopy
Deep Stall
The U-Turn ALPINE PEAK 2 is not stall sensitive. If in a stall, caused by overpulling on the brakes, the rear
risers or a delayed B-stall exist, the release of the brakes or the rear risers, recovers the stall. Should the
stall be caused by an extreme fl ight condition or confi guration (i.e. takeoff weight to low), a symmetric
forward push on the A-risers or step the speed system recovers the stall.
Practicing stalls should be done with enough safe altitude. Never apply asymmetric brakes
during a stall, it could cause a spin.
To enter a fullstall pull both brakes full travel (ensure no twisted or wrapped lines). The canopy has to
be stabilized before recovering the fullstall. Rise both brakes slowly and symmetrically to recover. If
done right, the canopy overshoots a little forward without collapsing. Avoid an asymmetric recovery by
all means. The dynamic forces drive the canopy to overreact and a collapse could occur.
Never release the brakes at the beginning of the recovery when the canopy tilts forward, the
canopy may accelerate foward in a way that makes contact or even falling into
the canopy possible.
The fullstall is a dangerous manoeuver and should not be performed intentionally except during a fl ight
safety course.
Emergency Piloting
In any situation where normal steering with the brakelines is not possible, the ALPINE PEAK 2 can be
steered with the back risers easily.
Negative Turn
To enter a spin the pilot has to fully and quickly pull one of the brakelines when he is near the stallpoint.
The glider rotates fast around its center while the inner wingtip fl ies backwards. For recovery just release
the applied brake to let the glider accelerate.
The spin is a dangerous manoeuvres and should not be performed intentionally
except during a fl ight safety course.
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