Service Bulletin
UAV-1005757-001 Rev A
The uAvionix AV Update Tool is available on the website linked above in
the section
AV Update Tool
. Download it to your PC.
5.2 AV-Link
The following items are required to perform the update when using AV-Link
over Wi-Fi:
6 Update Notes
All AV-30-E configuration settings will be preserved during the update
procedure. However, please take note of all settings before performing the
update, and verify settings are correct after the update has been applied.
If pitot and static lines were not previously connected, connect the
lines now to ensure full performance and functionality.
Ensure you are running a previous version of AV-30-E software.
Specifically, your AV-30-E should currently be running 2.0.3 or earlier.
There are two approved methods for update of the AV-30-E. The AV-30
can be updated using either a traditional direct serial connection or the AV-
Link can be used to update the AV-30 via wireless interface. Either method
is suitable, the choice is installer preference or equipment availability. The
AV-Link can be removed after update.
If performing the update using PC serial connection, proceed to
Section 0.
If performing the update using the AV-Link, proceed to Section 8.
Quantity Description
PC or mobile device
AV-30-E Software as shown in Table 5-1 Software Update