2. Motion Analysis
2.1 Robotic Arm Motion Mode and State Analysis
The Motion Mode of the Robotic Arm
Motions of the robotic arm: joint motion, linear motion, linear circular
motion, circular motion, servoj motion and servo_cartesian motion.
The following motions are in position mode (Please refer to 【Robot
Movement & Status Analysis】):
Joint Motion: to achieve the point-to-point motion of joint space
degree/radian), the speed between each command is
Linear Motion: to achieve linear motion between Cartesian coordinates
(unit: mm), the speed between each instruction is discontinuous.
Arc Linear Motion: to achieve linear motion between Cartesian
coordinates (unit: mm), inserting an arc between two straight lines
for a smooth transition, and the speed between each command is
Circular Motion: Circular motion calculates the trajectory of the
spatial circle according to the three-point coordinates, the three-
point coordinates are starting point, parameter 1 and parameter 2.
The following motion modes are in servoj mode:
Servoj motion: move to the given joint position with the fastest speed
(180°/s) and acceleration (unit: degree/radian). This command has no
buffer, only execute the latest received target point, and the user