Hardware checkup before using
To ensure that your video production runs smoothly and trouble-free, click Control Panel:
Systems - Device Manager and check if your devices are working properly in accordance
with your Operating System (O/S).
DV IEEE 1394 capture card
The following Windows operating systems support the IEEE 1394 capture card. Always
remember to turn on your DV camcorder or VCR connected to the IEEE 1394 interface so
that it can be detected as image device or sound, video and game controller.
A device list on the Device Manager in the Systems
Properties dialog box, Windows Me.
Windows 98
Windows 98 supports the Texas Instruments
DV driver only but does not provide it.
Search the drivers (if bundled) that come
with the IEEE 1394 card. Check that the
following devices are working properly:
1394 Bus Controller
Sound, video and game controllers: 1394
Windows 98 Second Edition /
Windows 2000
Windows 98 Second Edition and Windows
2000 include the Microsoft DV driver and still
support the Texas Instruments DV driver.
Check that the following devices are working
1394 Bus Controller
Image Device: Microsoft DV Camera and
VCR (For Microsoft DV driver only.)
Sound, video and game controllers: 1394
camcorder (For Texas Instruments DV driver