Exo x6a Operations Manual
revision 1
1st September 2013
3: Compass
ECode 1: the compass failed to initialise (likely a hardware issue)
ECode 2: failure while trying to read a single value from the compass (probably a hardware
ECode 0: above errors resolved
4: Optical flow
Ecode 1: failed to initialise (likely a hardware issue)
5: Throttle failsafe
ECode 1: throttle dropped below FS_THR_VALUE meaning likely loss of contact between
ECode 0: above error resolve meaning RX/TX contact likely restored
6: Battery failsafe
ECode 1: battery voltage dropped below LOW_VOLT or total battery capacity used exceeded
7: GPS failsafe
ECode 1: GPS lock lost for at least 5 seconds
ECode 0: GPS lock restored
8: GCS (Ground station) failsafe
ECode 1: updates from ground station joystick lost for at least 5 seconds
ECode 0: updates from ground station restored
9: Fence
ECode 1: altitude fence breached
ECode 2: circular fence breached
ECode 3: both altitude and circular fences breached
ECode 0: vehicle is back within the fences