8-1 Power Input Terminal
– This terminal accepts a
24V ac power source from a 24V ac +/- 10%
50Hz +/- 1% (CCIR)/60Hz +/-1%(EIA) power
8-2 AC Power Cord
– This power cord accepts a
230V ac +/- 10% 50Hz +/- 1% power source.
9. Power
– This green LED illuminates while
power is supplied to the camera.
10. Function Switches
– A switch is in the ON
position if it is positioned upward. If the position is
set downward, the switch is OFF.
The switches include:
AGC Switch
– The auto gain control switch
allows the video signals to maintain a
constant level. This switch is useful when
using the camera at low-light levels and when
lighting levels change over time.
A/I Switch
– The auto iris switch allows the
user to select the supplied auto-iris control
signal for the lens. Position the switch
upward to choose DC when the auto-iris
control lens requires DC control signal.
Position the switch downward to choose
VIDEO when the auto-iris control lens
requires video signal.
– When set to ON position, the electronic
iris switch automatically varies the camera’s
shutter to mimic auto-iris control, allowing
fixed or manual iris lenses to be used in a
wider range.
Continued on next page.