Press the Tap Tempo to rotate between the menu options. Press
the Start Stop to change the current option.
And once you are happy with the current changes, press and hold
Tap Tempo and press and hold Start/Stop to Save changes and go
into regular Midinome operation.
CV Divider (Purple LED)
You can change the clock division that gets sent out via CV, The
purple light will flash accordingly to the subdivision, options are:
1:4, 1:2 , 1:1, and 2:1. 1:1 is the default
Click Tone (Yellow LED
There are 9 presets. Press Start/Stop to rotate between options,
the first 4 are clicks, and the remaining 5 presets are tones which
are great for cutting through a mix or a very loud environment.
Default Tempo (Blue LED)
There are 5 options to choose from. 80 Bpm, 100 Bpm, 120 Bpm,
140 Bpm and Custom tempo Preset (white LED). The custom
tempo is set during operation by holding the Tap Tempo button. It is
saved in one slot in the
Default Tempo
menu, and can be recalled