Table of Contents
Connecting the Keyboard and Mouse
The way you connect the mouse to the keyboard depends on whether
there are ports on either side of the keyboard or a recessed port on the
back of the keyboard. The way you connect the keyboard to your com-
puter depends on whether the keyboard has a separate cable or a
built-in cable that plugs into a port on the back of the computer.
To connect your keyboard and mouse:
Depending on the type of keyboard you are using, do
one of the following to plug the mouse cable
into your
Plug the mouse cable into the ADB (Apple Desktop Bus) port
on either side of the keyboard. Most right-handed people pre-
fer to use the mouse with the right hand; most left-handed
people prefer to use the left hand.
Or, plug the mouse cable into the recessed ADB port on the
back of the keyboard.
ADB port