Table of Contents
General Solutions
You frequently can solve a problem by restarting your computer. Save
any open documents that you can first, but if your system is frozen or
a “bomb” appears onscreen, you won’t be able to. Follow these steps:
Press Command-Option-Esc to quit the application
program in use
when the problem occurred.
If this works, you can save the documents open in other programs.
Choose Restart from the Special menu or from the dia-
log box that’s on the screen.
If you can’t choose Restart, hold down the Command and Control
keys while you press the Power key (marked with a triangle) .
If nothing happens, press the power switch on the front
of your computer to turn the power off. Wait at least 1
seconds, then turn the power on again.
If the power switch does not turn off the computer,
turn off any peripheral devices that you have attached
to your computer, then unplug your computer.
If you suspect that the problem is caused by other equipment, such as
a printer or an external hard disk that is attached to your computer,
turn that equipment off. After at least ten seconds, turn it on again
and restart the computer.
Rebuild Your Desktop Regularly
Rebuilding the desktop helps your computer track data on your disks.
Rebuild the desktop once a month or so.
To rebuild the desktop:
Hold down the Command and Option keys while you
start up your computer. Do not release the keys until
you see a message asking whether you want to rebuild
the desktop.
Click OK.