If none of these suggestions solves the problem, you may need to
reinstall the printer driver that came with your printer. Refer to
the manual that came with your printer.
Note: If you have an Apple printer, you need to determine which
printer driver to install—the one that came with your printer or one of
the drivers included on your System Software CD-ROM. Depending on
when you bought your printer, one of these printer drivers will be
more recent than the other. It is the newer one you want. Look at the
date of the printer driver that came with your printer. (Usually, the
printer driver comes on a floppy disk with the printer.) To see the
date, insert the floppy disk, double-click its icon to open it, and
choose “by Name” from the View menu. Then look for the same printer
driver name on the
System Software CD-ROM. Look for it in the Hard
Disk Image folder, in the System Files folder, and in the Extensions
folder. (Then chose “by Name” from the View menu to see the date next
to it.) The drivers must have the same name. If they do, reinstall the
printer driver with the most recent date next to it. If you use the
printer driver on the System Software CD-ROM, drag the printer
driver into the System Folder on your hard disk and then click OK. If
you use the printer driver that came with the printer, see the manuals
that came with the printer for instructions on reinstalling it.