Umirs Europe Ltd. Predix
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Starting the programming procedure:
Click on the „Predix” icon.
(in case of Windows 7 OS an error-massage can appear, that the software is already running: in this
case close the error-massage and run the program as system administrator)
The authorization-window appears.
if You have previously given a password, type it in
(You can sign in both as User and Administrator, but for the
programming of the device You will need to sign in as
if You haven’t previously typed in a password, leave
the area empty
First of all choose the COM-port that You
are going to use. It has to be the COM-port,
that You have seen by the installation of
the USB-RS485 converter.
Than choose the communication bit-rate.
On the picture it is now 115200bps.
You can change the language of the
software if necessary.
Press the START button to start the
communication with the detector.