Perform a measuring campaign
6.5 Zero offset
An offset shift is caused by the different water columns inside both
Tensiometers. Each of the two Tensiometers has a hanging water
column inside the shaft, and as their shaft lengths are different they
have a different offset.
The shaft lengths are compensated by doing a zero set.
The default setting is the automatic mode. The correction values are
preset and are -3,75 hPa for the upper Tensiometer and -1,25 hPa
for the lower Tensiometer. This means at even starting conditions
(sample over-saturated) a soil water tension of 0 hPa is given.
Manual zero set
Click the automatic box, the two buttons „Adjustment“ and “Reset “
The values can be changed by clicking the arrow button.
Click the button Adjustment and a new correction value is stored (the
Tension values will be changed) You can discard the adjustment by
clicking the “Reset” button.