alarm code is present, see the troublesho-
oting table to solve the problem;
Press repeatedly the buttons 4 or 6 to
see in real time the operation parame-
ters of the generator, one of them is
“Water Pressure”. The charge pressu-
re, with the system cold and the stove
off, must be between 800 and 1200
mBar. Slowly open the filling hose on
the pipework, water should start to
come through the system. Allow the
system to fill, controlling the pressu-
re level on the display. Close the hose
when finished;
• To reduce pressure, bleed a radiator
or drain some water out of the system
using a drain point;
• Press SET to return to the main menu,
press ESC to exit.
The same operations can be taken as a re-
ference to fix small pressure drops during
the entire life of the thermostove. After
some working cycles of the heat genera-
tor it’s recommended to check the water
6.2 Before Ignition
Every time before starting the thermostove
make sure that:
The pellet hopper is full;
The combustion chamber and the bur-
ner are clean, the burner perfectly fits
in place (if there is no self-cleaning
The ash pan and the inspection box are
in their place and well-screwed;
The tecnical door and the glass door
are closed.
After having chosen the heating system
configuration, set the temperatures in the
menu “Thermostats”. Press once the key
“Set”, use the arrows key to scroll to the
menu “Thermostats”. Set the temperatu-
re in the heating system in the submenu
“Boiler”. If the buffer tank is installed, set
the domestic hot water temperature in the
submenu “Buffer tank”. Completed the
settings, press and hold the ON button to
6.3 Ignition
Press and hold the power botton until the
signal “Check Up” appears on the display. In
this phase the thermostove carries out au-
tomatic cleaning (if present on the model),
components and security test and draft
checking. Completed the test phase, on
the display will appear “Ignition” (“PA1”).
The pellet starts falling in the burner and in
few minutes the flame appears. Once the
flame is present, the display shows “PB”,
which means stabilisation of the flame, at
the end of this phase the message “Nor-
mal” will appear on the display. The opera-
tion power varies automatically from “P1”
to “P6” basing on the water temperature in
the heating system.
7. Maintenance
To ensure smooth operation and maintain
high performance, clean the boiler/thermo-
stove regularly. The frequency of cleaning
is determined by the length of time the boi-
ler has been running and by the type of
pellet. (The poorer the quality of the fuel,
the more frequently will intervention be ne-
cessary for cleaning.)
Protect the floor from ash before cleaning
the boiler/thermostove.
Faulty boiler/thermostove and flue
pipe maintenance can alternate pro-
per functioning and void the warran-
ty, with the manufacturer declining
all related liability;
Maintenance should be performed
only on a boiler/thermostove shut
down and cooled;
Don’t clean the glass when it is hot.
7.1 Automatic Burn Pot Cleaning
In the models with Automatic Brasier Cle-
aner the combustion residues are conveyd
into the ash box automatically during the
ignition phase (fig. 17).
fig. 17 - Self-cleanin burner