background image







































™ RO-M


Technical Data





™ RO-M


Reverse osmosis

Semi-permeable membrane


Pure water

Osmotic pres-



Reverse osmosis membrane

Reverse osmosis


Pure water



Chlorine content:  0.5 ppm 

1 ppm 

2 ppm  

3 ppm 

4 ppm 

5 ppm






















2.1. Function of reverse osmosis

When separating saline solution from pure water by a semi-permeable membrane, the system tries 
to establish concentration compensation.



The water passes through the membrane without the infl uence of external forces and dilutes the 
solution until a balance is established. This process is called osmosis.
In the balance, the static pressure in the solution is the same as the osmotic pressure.
The process is reversible when applying pressure to the saline solution, thus overcoming the 
osmotic pressure. During this process of reverse osmosis, pure water is transported through the 
membrane, while the saline solution is concentrated.
In the technical reverse osmosis process, the concentrated solution is referred to as concentrate, 
which is continuously drained from the system and which produces pure water permeate. Thus, 
when speaking about performance, permeate output or pure water output is indicated.

2.2. Capacity of the carbon pre-fi lter (RO30C & RO60S)


The capacity of the special carbon pre-fi lter depends on the chlorine content of the water.


At 2ppm of chlorine the fi lter works for approx. 100 000 litres of water.


Assumption: if you work 6 hours per day and 5 days a week, this capacity would last:


approx. 200 working hours or approx. 40 working days or approx. 2 months

You can use ph-test stripes to test the chlorine level of the water. To check if 
the pre-fi lter works correct, test the water at the concentrate outlet on the 
back of the fi lter. If the value is above 0 ppm, you have to exchange the pre-
fi lter.
The following chart shows the capacity at several chlorine ppm values, please 
check your local situation:

3. Technical Data

3.1. Scope of delivery



RO30G & C   


Electrical connection, primary  


230 V/50 Hz 

Inlet pressure  


0-6 bar

Max. operating pressure  


10 bar

Suction capacity (with 1“ line, 15°C) 


5m/-0.5 bar 



approx. 60 %

Water temperature  



Max. capacity  


at 15°C

Salinity in raw water  


max. 1000 mg/l

Salt retention rate  


100% (resin fi lter)

Blocking index  


max. 3

SiO2 content in raw water  


20 mg/l

Permeate output at 15°C water temperature l/h 




Pump connection 

0.75 kW 


1.1 kW

Standard feed water connection  




Standard concentrate connection 



Standard permeate connection 




1230 mm 


1230 mm


580 mm 


750 mm


510 mm 


510 mm


approx. 55 kg      approx. 83 kg


Robust stainless steel trolley


Water supply connection


RO30G: 2.5“x 10“ standard pre-fi lter
RO30C: 4.5“ x 10“ carbon pre-fi lter (chlorine)
RO60S: 4.5“ x 10“ standard pre-fi lter


Pressure gauge water inlet downstream pre-fi lter


RO30G&C: main membrane
RO60S: double membrane


RO30G & C: 4.5“ x 20“ secondary resin fi lter
RO60S: 4.5“ x 20“ carbon pre-fi lter (chlorine)

7. Concentrate 



Pump control system

9. Permeate 


10. Pump

11. TDS-meter

12.  Pressure indicator, pump

13.  Pressure relief valve

Filter wrench, fi lter cup (small)


Filter wrench, fi lter cup (large)


Feed pipe for preparation for storage

Summary of Contents for HiFlo Ro-Moobil RO30G

Page 1: ...te The complete EC Declaration of Conformity with all standards applied can be requested on the Unger Website or directly from Unger D claration de conformit CE conform ment la directive sur les machi...

Page 2: ...ei produzierte Konzentrat der Umkehrosmoseanlage muss abgeleitet werden Nicht einsetzbar zur Bakterienentfernung Die Anlage ist nicht f r den US amerikanischen Markt bestimmt 1 3 Lagerf higkeit Die Um...

Page 3: ...tragen Bei Unterbrechung der Rohwasserzufuhr bzw der Stromversorgung um mehr als 1 Woche muss die Anlage entsprechend den Einlagerungsvorschriften pr pariert werden Eine weitere M glichkeit ist die An...

Page 4: ...sich die Salzl sung aufkonzentriert Beim technischen Verfahren der Umkehrosmose nennt man die konzentrierte L sung Konzentrat da kontinuierlich aus der Anlage abgeleitet wird und das erzeugte reine Wa...

Page 5: ...erhalten Sie stets gute Filterwerte Der Betriebsdruck darf 10 bar nicht berschreiten ggf den Eingangsdruck mit dem Hahn 2 verringern Warnhinweise Das Ger t steht w hrend des Betriebes unter Druck Wen...

Page 6: ...Frostschutz Die Anlage ist vor Frost zu sch tzen Min Raumtemperatur 5 C ACHTUNG Verwenden Sie nie andere Chemikalien da alle eingesetzten Mittel auf Membranvertr glichkeit getestet sein m ssen 6 Besc...

Page 7: ...eln um deren Wirkung zu erhalten 12 Achten Sie darauf dass das Wassereingangsventil nicht zu lange offen bleibt Es besteht die Gefahr dass das gesamte Membranp egemittel komplett in den Kanal ausgesp...

Page 8: ...t wird betr gt der korrekte Wert 1430 ppm Das TDS Meter schaltet sich automatisch nach ca 30 Sekunden aus 9 2 P ege Dieses TDS Meter bedarf grunds tzlich keiner P ege Dennoch sollten folgende Punkte b...

Page 9: ...system produced in this process must be drained Cannot be used to remove bacteria The system is not approved for the US American market 1 3 Shelve life In the manufacturing facility the reverse osmos...

Page 10: ...r power supply is interrupted for more than 1 week the system must be prepared according to the storage regulations Another possibility is to operate the system at least every 7 days for approx 5 minu...

Page 11: ...orine the lter works for approx 100 000 litres of water Assumption if you work 6 hours per day and 5 days a week this capacity would last approx 200 working hours or approx 40 working days or approx 2...

Page 12: ...than the inlet pressure 4 This ensures constant good lter values The operating pressure must not exceed 10 bar if necessary reduce the inlet pressure via the ball valve 2 Warning The unit is under pre...

Page 13: ...Anti freeze protection The system must be protected against frost Minimum ambient temperature 5 C CAUTION Never use any other chemicals since all agents used must be tested for mem brane compatibility...

Page 14: ...lves 2 9 11 It is recommended to change the membrane protection agent once a month to maintain its effect 12 Make sure that the water inlet valve does not remain open too long There is a risk that the...

Page 15: ...If then e g 143 is indicated in this mode the correct value is 1430 ppm The TDS meter switches off automatically after approx 30 seconds 9 2 Care In principle this TDS meter does not require any care...

Page 16: ...syst me d osmose inverse doit tre vacu Ne pas utiliser pour enlever les bact ries Ce syst me n est pas pr vu pour le march des Etats Unis 1 3 Aptitude au stockage A l usine du fabricant les syst mes d...

Page 17: ...nt plus d une semaine le syst me doit tre pr par conform ment aux prescriptions de stockage Une autre possibilit consiste faire fonctionner le syst me pendant environ 5 minutes au moins tous les 7 jou...

Page 18: 5 jours cela donne la capacit suivante Environ 200 heures de travail ou environ 40 jours de travail ou environ 2 mois Vous pouvez utiliser des bandelettes d analyse de la valeur ph pour mesurer la...

Page 19: doit pas d passer 10 bar faire descendre la pression d entr e avec le robinet 2 si n cessaire Avertissements L appareil est sous pression pendant le fonctionnement Si des exibles sont enlev s pend...

Page 20: ...syst me contre le gel Temp rature ambiante min 5 C ATTENTION Ne pas utiliser d autres produits chimiques car tous les produits chimiques utili s s doivent tre test s pour assurer leur compatibilit ave...

Page 21: ...etien de la membrane pour maintenir son ef cacit 12 Faire attention ce que la vanne d arriv e d eau ne reste pas ouverte trop longtemps La totalit du produit d entretien de la membrane risquerait d tr...

Page 22: ...p ex si 143 est af ch dans ce mode la valeur correcte est 1 430 ppm Le testeur TDS s teint automatiquement apr s env 30 secondes 9 2 Entretien En r gle g n rale ce testeur TDS n a pas besoin d entreti...

Page 23: ...raat dat daarbij ontstaat moet afgevoerd worden Niet inzetbaar voor het verwijderen van bacteri n De installatie is niet voor de US Amerikaanse markt bedoeld 1 3 Houdbaarheid De omkeerosmose installat...

Page 24: ...evoer van ongezuiverd water of de stroomtoevoer langer dan 1 week wordt onderbroken moet de installatie in overeenstemming met de opslagvoor schriften voorbereid worden Een andere mogelijkheid is de i...

Page 25: druk uitgeoefend wordt en daarmee de osmotische druk teniet wordt gedaan Bij deze procedure die omkeerosmose ge noemd wordt wordt zuiver water door het membraan gedrukt terwijl de zoutoplossing ste...

Page 26: ...krijgt u altijd goede filterwaarden De bedrijfsdruk mag 10 bar niet overschrijden evt de ingangsdruk met de kraan 2 verlagen Waarschuwingsaanwijzingen Het apparaat staat tijdens het bedrijf onder druk...

Page 27: ...tegen vorst De installatie moet tegen vorst beschermd worden Min ruimtetemperatuur 5 C ATTENTIE Gebruik nooit andere chemicali n omdat bij alle middelen getest moet zijn of het membraan ertegen besta...

Page 28: ...rode kranen 2 9 11 Aanbevolen wordt om de membraanverzorgingsmiddeloplossing eenmaal per maand te verversen om de werking ervan te behouden 12 Let erop dat het watertoevoerventiel niet te lang open b...

Page 29: ...3 in deze modus weergegeven wordt is de correcte waarde 1430 ppm De TDS meter schakelt automatisch na ca 30 seconden uit 9 2 Verzorging Deze TDS meter heeft in principe geen verzorging nodig Desondank...

Page 30: ...a osmosi inversa deve essere convogliato Non utilizzabile per la rimo zione dei batteri L impianto non destinato al mercato statunitense 1 3 Durata di conservazione a magazzino Presso la fabbrica del...

Page 31: ...ll acqua non trattata o della corrente per un periodo superiore a 1 settimana l impianto deve essere sottoposto a trattamento di preparazione conformemente alle prescrizioni di stoccaggio anche possib...

Page 32: ...Osmosi inversa Membrana semi permeabile Soluzione concentrata Acqua pura Pressione osmotica Osmosi Membrana per osmosi inversa Osmosi inversa Soluzione concentrata Acqua pura Pressione ITALIANO 2 1 P...

Page 33: ...sempre buoni valori di ltrazione La pressione d esercizio non pu superare 10 bar Eventualmente ridurre la pressione d entrata dal rubinetto 2 Indicazioni d avvertimento Durante il funzionamento l app...

Page 34: ...elo L impianto deve essere protetto dal gelo Temperatura ambiente minima 5 C ATTENZIONE Non utilizzare mai sostanze chimiche d altro genere in quanto necessario testa re la compatibilit con la membran...

Page 35: ...lativo effetto si raccomanda di cambiare l agente di protezione della membrana una volta al mese 12 Assicurarsi che la valvola di entrata dell acqua non resti aperta per troppo tempo Sussiste il risch...

Page 36: ...etto quindi 1430 ppm Il misuratore TDS si disattiva automaticamente dopo ca 30 secondi 9 2 Manutenzione Di norma questo misuratore TDS non richiede alcuna manutenzione Devono tuttavia essere considera...

Page 37: ...proceso en la m quina de smosis de inversi n debe eliminarse No es apto para la eliminaci n de bater as La m quina no est destinada al mercado estadounidense 1 3 Almacenamiento El fabricante aplica e...

Page 38: entrada de agua no tratada o el suministro el ctrico duran te m s de una semana la m quina deber prepararse conforme a las normas de almacenamiento Otra posibilidad consiste en poner en marcha la...

Page 39: ...n Soluci n concentrada Agua pura Presi n CAPACIDAD DEL PREFILTRO DE CARB N Contenido de cloro 0 5 ppm 1 ppm 2 ppm 3 ppm 4 ppm 5 ppm Horas 800 400 200 133 100 80 D as 160 80 40 27 20 16 Meses 8 4 2 1...

Page 40: ...torios La presi n de servicio no debe exceder de 10 bar si fuera preciso se debe reducir la presi n de entrada mediante el grifo 2 Advertencias El aparato se halla bajo presi n durante el funcionamien...

Page 41: ...ambiental m nima 5 C ATENCI N No utilice nunca otros productos qu micos ya que para todos los productos utilizados debe comprobarse si son aptos para la membrana 6 Descripci n para el uso del sistema...

Page 42: ...tectora de membranas una vez al mes para garantizar su efecto 12 Aseg rese de que la v lvula de entrada de agua no permanezca abierta du rante demasiado tiempo Existe riesgo de perder todo el producto...

Page 43: ...n este modo el valor correcto es de 1 430 ppm El medidor TDS se apaga autom ticamente al cabo de unos 30 segundos 9 2 Conservaci n B sicamente este medidor TDS no requiere conservaci n Sin embargo deb...

Page 44: ...www ungerglobal com www ungerglobal com 86 87 HIFLO RO MOBILE Notes HIFLO RO MOBILE Notes...
