Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
124 / 156
Command format
:LA:DIGital<n>:DISPlay { {1|ON} | {0|OFF} }
Functional description
This command is used to turn on/off the specified digital channel or query the status of the specified digital
<n>: integer digit 1~16,
it represents {D0|D1|D2|D3|D4|D5|D6|D7|D8|D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15}.
It has 16 digital channels.
Return format
Query returns 1 or 0.
For example
:LA:DIGital4:DISPlay ON
Turn on D3.
Query returns 1.
Command format
:LA:DIGital<n>:POSition <position>
Functional description
This command is used to set or query the display position of the specified digital channel waveform on the
screen. It’s only valid when the specified digital channel is opened.
<n>: integer digit 1~16,
it represents {D0|D1|D2|D3|D4|D5|D6|D7|D8|D9|D10|D11|D12|D13|D14|D15}.
<position>: integer
The waveform display mode is small: 0 -31.
The waveform display mode is medium: 0 -15.
The waveform display mode is large: 0 -7.
Return format
Query returns integer among 0-31, 0-15 or 0-7.
For example
:LA:DIGital3:POSition 6
Set the display position of D4 to 6.
Query returns 6.
Command format
:LA:DIGital<n>:LABel <label>
Functional description