Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
138 / 156
Functional description
This command is used to set cut-off frequency of bode diagram display.
Return format
Query returns cut-off frequency of bode diagram display, unit is Hz.
For example
FREQuency:END 1 kHz
Set cut-off frequency of bode diagram display to1 kHz.
Query returns 1.000e003.
Command format
{{1 | ON} | {0 | OFF}}
Functional description
This command is used to turn on/off cursor function of bode diagram.
Return format
Query returns cursor function status of bode diagram. 0 represents cursor function is not open.1 represents
cursor function is opened.
For example
Turn on cursor function of bode diagram.
Query returns 1, it represents cursor function is opened.
Command format
{ INDependent | TRACking }
Functional description
This command is used to set cursor mode of bode diagram, which is INDependent and TRACking.
Return format
Query returns cursor mode of bode diagram.
For example
Set cursor mode of bode diagram to TRACking.
Query returns 1, it represents cursor mode is opened.
Explanation of Programming
This chapter is to describe troubleshooting in process of programming. If you meet any of the following
problems, please handle them according to the related instructions.