Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
74 / 156
Query returns 1, it represents inverse color display is turned on.
Command format
:DISPlay:WAVE:BRIGhtness <count>
Functional description
This command is used to set waveform brightness, <count> take value from 1~100, larger the number, the
brighter the waveform.
Return format
Query returns the current waveform brightness.
For example
:DISPlay:WAVE:BRIGhtness 50
Set waveform brightness to 50.
Query returns 50.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to clear and refresh the waveform on the screen. If there is reference waveform,
then clear and refresh the reference waveform.
Command format
:DISPlay:TYPE {XY12|XY13|XY14| XY23|XY24|XY34|YT}
Functional description
This command is used to set timebase display type to XY12 (X-Y mode: amplitude value of channel 1 display
on the horizontal axis, amplitude value of channel 2 display on the vertical axis; type XY13|XY14|
XY23|XY24|XY34 as above); YT (YT mode: display the relative relation of vertical voltage and horizontal time).
Return format
Query returns {XY12|XY13|XY14| XY23|XY24|XY34|YT}.
For example
Set timebase format to YT mode.
Query returns YT.
WAVeform Command
This command is used to read the waveform data and relative parameter on the screen of the oscilloscope.
Command format