Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
82 / 156
:SBUS:DATA? Query returns:
RS232 represents decoding type (it may be I2C, SPI or CAN), the event table data in CSV format followed
behind. The specified format of the event table data is automatically adapted by different devices. The data
are separated by commas and will automatically line wrap according to the decoding list, the data value is
related to the setting system display.
Command format
:SBUS:VERTical:POSition <value>
Functional description
This command is used to set trigger vertical position value of the oscilloscope. Parameter is integer, step
is 6, range is [-160,160]. The center of screen is zero point, up is positive, down is negative.
Return format
Query returns vertical positon value.
For example
:SBUS:VERTical:POSition 10
Open bus vertical position value is 10.
Query returns 10.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to select bus trigger sweep mode.
AUTO: In no trigger condition, the internal will produce trigger signal to force trigger.
NORMal: It will be generated only trigger condition is met.
SINGle: It will be generated one time and stop when trigger condition is met.
Return format
Query returns trigger sweep mode {AUTO|NORMal}.
For example
Set bus trigger sweep mode to AUTO.
Query returns AUTO.