Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
9 / 156
Return format
Query returns { 10 Hz | 100 Hz | 1 kHz | 10 kHz }.
For example
:SYSTem:SQUare:SELect 10 Hz
Select 10 Hz square wave output.
Query returns 10 Hz.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to set output selection TRIGger or PASS_FAIL
Return format
Query returns { TRIGger | PASS_FAIL }.
For example
Output selection sets to trigger.
Query returns TRIG.
Command format
:SYSTem:MNUDisplay { 5S | 10S | 20S | INFinite}
Functional description
This command is used to set the menu display time, INFinite represents the menu is always displayed.
Return format
Query returns { 5S | 10S | 20S | INFinite }.
For example
:SYSTem:MNUDisplay 5S
Set the menu display time to 5 s, the menu will automatically withdraw after 5 s.
Query returns 5 s.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to set the screen brightness, <count> take value from 1~100,
the bigger the number,
the brighter the screen.
Return format
Query returns the current screen brightness.
For example
:SYSTem:BRIGhtness 50
Set screen brightness to 50.
Query returns 50.