a. Positive: It is 1 when setting signal is greater than the threshold, otherwise it is 0.
b. Negative: It is 1 when setting signal is small than the threshold, otherwise it is 0.
(7) Bit Sequence
Bit sequence is to set whether the data bit of the SPI protocol signal is high order first (MSB) or low
order first (LSB).
a. MSB: high order data transmit first
B. LSB: low order data transmit first
(8) Bit Wide
Set bit wide of each frame of the SPI protocol signal, which can range from 4 to 32.
(9) Trigger Condition
Set SPI condition which has two types: “idle & data” and “idle”.
a. Idle & data
It will be generated at the edge where the level jumps from invalid to active.
b. Idle
Idle trigger is generated at the start of a new segment of data after a certain idle time
(10) Idle time
The idle time counter counts when the SCK is unchanged, and judges whether the count value
exceeds the preset value at the SCK valid edge, if it exceeds, it will be generated at the valid edge.
The counter will be cleared when each clock edge is valid. The range can set to 80ns ~ 1s.
(11) Frame Length
Set the length of data unit, the range can set from 1 to 32.
(12) MOSI Data
MOSI data setting is related to frame length, the range can set to 0 ~
7.17 CAN Trigger
(1) Information Source
The information source which is select CAN protocol trigger source, CH1 and CH2 can be selected.
The current selected source will displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
(2) Signal Type
Set the input signal of the current source whether is high data line signal or low data line signal,
which can select CAN_H and CAN_L.
(3) Trigger Condition