UT3200 Series User Manual
Figure 4-3-1D Out of test range histogram figure value
4.3.2 Manual mode
Manual mode is the specific gravity of the temperature of the current test channel in the
set temperature range. If the temperature range is set, this ratio can be used to visually
observe the distance exceeding the limit of the measured temperature distance
Percentage of each channel
the measure temperature value
temperature of lower limit value
temperature of upper limit value
temperature of lower limit value
Setup steps:
Press Setup button to enter Function page
Move the cursor key to the histogram figure, use Function button to enter Manual mode
Use Function button to enter Channel setting, move the cursor to set the upper and
lower limit temperature of a specific channel, use the numeric key enter the upper and
lower limit value then press OK to confirm
Press Test button to choose histogram figure. Press Start button to collect data and
record the histogram change of temperature
4.4 USB recording function
USB recording only use in Test, Histogram figure, Curve figure page. USB recoding time is based
on Instrument internal clock. When Instrument time stop work, it will affect data recording.
When Instrument clock does not work, the battery should be changed. It is recommended to
return to the factory for replacement.
Data includes two parts: Instrument information (file name, product model, product software
version and number of product channel); corresponding channel temperature (temperature
unit, time, channel type, and each channel test value) Example: file path UT3232/ 2019-08-
13/UNIT 10001.csv
The data format is floating point, split by”,”