About Your Scanner
Understanding Banks
Service Banks
The scanner is preprogrammed with all the
frequencies allocated to the police, railroad, marine,
aircraft, UHF CB, and AM CB services.
Police, railroad and AM CB preset frequencies in
the service bank are valid for Australia ONLY.
Aircraft, Marine and UHF CB preset frequencies
are valid for both Australia and New Zealand.
Channel-Storage Banks
To make it easier to identify and select the channels
you want to listen to, the 100 channels are divided
into 10 channel-storage banks. Each bank has 10
channels. Use each channel-storage bank to group
frequencies, such as those for the railroad, police
department, or aircraft.
For example, the police department might use eight
frequencies in your town while the railroad uses an
additional four. You could program the eight police
frequencies starting with Channel 1 (the first channel
in bank 1), and program the railroad frequencies
starting with Channel 11 (the first channel in bank 2).