Installation diagram of light oil pipes
Depending on the installed pump, it is possible to design the plant for single or double pipe feeding line
Single-pipe system:
a single pipe drives the oil from the tank to the pump’s inlet. Then, from the pump, the pressurised oil is driven to
the nozzle: a part comes out from the nozzle while the othe part goes back to the pump. In this system, the by-pass plug, if provided,
must be removed and the optional return port, on the pump’s body, must be sealed by steel plug and washer.
Double-pipe system:
as for the single pipe system, a pipe that connects the tank to the pump’s inlet is used besides another pipe that
connects the pump’s return port to the tank, as well. The excess of oil goes back to the tank: this installation can be considered self-ble-
eding. If provided, the inside by-pass plug must be installed to avoid air and fuel passing through the pump.
Burners come out from the factory provided for double-pipe systems. They can be suited for single-pipe system (recommended in the
case of gravity feed) as decribed before.To change from a 1-pipe system to a 2-pipe-system, insert the by-pass plug
(as for ccw-rota-
tion- referring to the pump shaft).
Changing the direction of rotation, all connections on top and side are reversed.
HP UHE series pumps
: a kit (Art.-Nr.:
0841211) is required for the transition from 2-pipe to 1-pipe system
please read carefully the “warnings” chapter at the beginning of this manual.
Suntec T
Suntec TA
From tank
To tank
The burner is supplied with filter and flexible
hoses, all the parts upstream the filter and
downstream the return flexible hose, must be
installed by the customer. As far as the hoses
connection, see the related paragraph.
Flexible hoses (fitted)
Light oil filter (fitted)
Automatic interceptor (*)
One-way valve (*)
Gate valve
Quick-closing gate-valve (outside the tank or boiler rooms)
(*) Only for installations with gravity, siphon or forced cir-
culation feed systems. If the device installed is a solenoid
valve, a timer must be installed to delay the valve closing.
The direct connection of the device without a timer may
cause pump breaks.
Fig. 5 - Double-pipe system