5-9. One-Touch Tare Subtraction
This function clears Net weight by equalizing Gross weight and Tare.
Note this function is activated only if reading is stable: stability criteria are
defined in Restriction on Tare Subtraction Function.
Allowed range of Tare subtraction: All range or zero < Tare <= Capacity.
* In case where Net weight is not zero-cleared after One-Touch Tare Subtraction,
check the following:
Tare subtraction is reset when turning off power.
5-10. One-Touch Tare Subtraction Reset
Tare subtraction can be reset by the user. Resetting tare subtraction zero-clears
the set value for Tare, equalizing Net weight and Gross weight.
* If Net weight and Gross weight are not equalized by resetting tare subtraction,
check the following.
Suggested Action
Gross weight is displayed
Net weight is displayed in n+4, n+5 CH.
Gross weight is displayed in n+2, n+3 CH
Make sure you are checking correct area.
Reading is not stable
(check stability criteria)
Make sure reading is stable: “1” on the 10th bit of n+5
CH indicates that reading satisfies stability criteria.
Check this bit before trying to clear Net weight.
Reading is outside the allowed
tare subtraction range (check
range setting)
Use this function while reading is within the allowable
range for tare subtraction.
Suggested Action
Digital tare subtraction is
Zero-clear the set value for Tare, or disable Digital
tare subtraction.