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General Operating Instructions
Importance of Leveling a Refrigerator
The refrigerator must be adjusted to a vertical position in both directions. In an
absorption refrigeration system, ammonia is liquefied in the finned condenser coil at
the top rear of the refrigerator. The liquid ammonia then flows into the evaporator
(inside the freezer section) and is exposed to circulating the flow of hydrogen gas,
which causes the ammonia to evaporate, creating a cold condition in the freezer.
When starting this refrigerator, the cooling cycle may require up to four hours of
running time to begin cooling before the cooling unit is fully operational, you can then
begin slowly loading the compartment.
The tubing in the evaporator section is specifically sloped to provide a continuous
movement of liquid ammonia, flowing downward by gravity through this section. If
the refrigerator is operated when not level, liquid ammonia will accumulate in sections
of the evaporator tubing. This will slow the circulation of hydrogen and ammonia gas,
or in severe cases, completely block it, resulting in a loss of cooling. Warranty will not
cover recharge/rebuild if caused by not running the fridge level.
This refrigerator operates only on LP Gas (Propane)
Note: After changing an LP tank, or after a long shut off period, the gas line is likely to be filled with
air. You may have to repeat the lighting procedure several times to purge the air out of the gas lines.We
suggest first turning off gas at the control panel, then the tank,this will reduce an air trap in the gas line.
Gas Operation
“Start Up” Procedure –
see figure # 5 on next page for the control panel
Locate the control panel below at the bottom front of the fridge.
Turn the gas shut off valve
to the ON position.
Turn thermostat button
fully clockwise (max), start to spark ignitor button
depressing the gas control button
, there may be a period of time required for air to
escape from the gas line and flow up to the burner.
Length of time will vary depending
on the distance of the fridge to propane tank.
Continue pushing the igniter button