5 ⸀ Mount the micromanipulator on the third
MMS ⸀ First remove the tilting base from the
micromanipulator, mount the square plate on the
micromanipulator with 2 short 4 mm bolts ⸀ Then
mount the square plate to the moving stage of
the MMS with two long 4 mm bolts (see picture
and Assembly procedure 1D motorized system
above) ⸀
6 ⸀ Mount the third MMS with micromanipulator on
the second MMS with the spindles on the two
perpendicular to each other (see picture) ⸀ The third
MMS must be 昀椀xed with 4 of the short 4 mm bolts.
To get access to the 昀椀xing holes, move the moving
stage to one side, rotating the spindle by hand ⸀
Then mount the two bolts and move the moving
stage to the other side and mount the last two
bolts ⸀
7 ⸀ Connect the motors to the motor controllers using
the supplied cables (see Setting up above)