Digital Network Video Surveillance System
Figure 7-110 Schedule Setup
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Wireless type
You can select from the dropdown list.
Please check the box to enable the selected function.
Please input the connection name here.
Dial/SMS activate state
There are two types for the device to connect to the 3G. It includes the
dial-up and sms.
Dial-up number
Please input 3G network dialup number here.
The user name for you to login the 3G network.
The password for you to login the 3G network.
Keep alive time
You can set dialup duration.
Once you disable the extra stream, the connection time begins. For
example, if you input 5 seconds here, then 3G network connection
period is 5 seconds. The device automatically disconnect when time is
up. If there is no extra stream, 3G network connection is valid all the
If the alive time is 0, then the 3G network connection is valid all
the time.
Unisight Digital Technologies, Inc.