SKU: UE0002
5.2 Steps to run micropython interpreter on the RP2040.
1) Once installed Thonny IDE on your operating system:
Head to the menu and select: Run > Select Interpreter.... This will open a new window
for the Thonny options. In the Interpreter tab, select MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico)
as the interpreter
2) To download the Micropython firmware on the RP2040, plug the USB-C cable into the
DualMCU, move the mechanical USB selector to the “A” position (see section:
Mechanical selector for the USB Communication
) and press and hold the RP2040 reset
button (PB1), you can find it onboard with the label “RST”.
DualMCU “RP2040 Reset Button”
Unit Electronics ® DualMCU ESP32
Modified: 26/06/2023