MS242 User’s Manual
2.4 Factory Default Settings
The reader is shipped from the factory with the following default settings
already programmed:
Magnetic Track Basic Data Format
Track 1: <SS1><T1 Data><ES><ENTER>*
Track 2: <SS2><T2 Data><ES><ENTER>*
Track 3: <SS3><T3 Data><ES><ENTER>*
where: SS1(start sentinel track 1) = %
SS2(start sentinel track 2) = ;
SS3(start sentinel track 3) = ; for ISO, ! for CDL, % for AAMVA
ES(end sentinel all tracks) = ?
Keyboard/USB Communication Default Settings
Polling interval : 1 ms
Language: US English
Start or End Sentinel
Characters in encoding format which come before the
first data character (start) and after the last data
character (end), indicating the beginning and end,
respectively, of data.
Track Separator
A designated character which separates data tracks.
A designated character which comes at the end of the
last track of data, to separate card reads.
Check character, following end sentinel.
Old California Drivers License format.
*Note: The <ENTER> characters (shown above) between tracks 1 & 2 and 2 &
3 denote the default character for this position, the Track Separator position.
The <ENTER> characters shown for track 3 denotes the default character for
this position, the Terminator position.
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