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MS926 User’s Manual Idle Illumination - Presentation Mode
Scan one of the bar codes below to set the LED illumination for the scanner
when it is in an idle state in Presentation Mode. Default = High.
Note: If you use one of the lower Idle Illumination settings, and there is not enough ambient
light, the scanner may have difficulty detecting when a bar code is presented to it. If the
scanner has difficulty “waking up” to read bar codes, you may need to set the Idle
Illumination to a brighter setting.
Note: LED Illumination - Presentation Mode does not apply to Poor Quality PDF Codes or
Mobile Phone Read Mode.
High* Presentation Sensitivity
Presentation Sensitivity is a numeric range that increases or decreases the
scan engine's reaction time to bar code presentation. To set the sensitivity,
scan the Sensitivity bar code, then scan the degree of sensitivity (from 0-20)
from the inside back cover, and Save. 0 is the most sensitive setting, and 20
is the least sensitive. Default = 1.