If the “Red Flashing” Fault Indicator remains use the following procedure:
1. Unplug the charging connector from your EV.
2. Turn off the power to the Charging Station by switching the upstream circuit breaker to
the “OFF” position
3. With the circuit breaker in the “OFF” position, wait 1-2 minutes and then switch the
upstream circuit breaker back to the “ON” position
4. Confirm the Fault light is no longer present. If the Fault light remains, use Chapter 9.3
Fault Messages on page 27 to see Fault Messages or contact United Chargers for
technical support.
9.3 Fault Messages
To see the charger error codes:
1. Select your charging station on
. If you have not connected to the
Portal follow the instructions on Chapter 7.3 Connect the Grizzl-E to your Wi-Fi on page
21 to connect. Charger will still connect in a fault mode.
2. After selecting the station on acharer go to the
Charge Point Commands
3. Reset the breaker as described in Chapter 9.2 Fault Indicators on page 27.
4. If the error remains select
Refresh log
5. The error code and Time Stamp will display in the log. Contact United Chargers Technical
support with the error code and description.
9.2 Fault Indicators