Preparation and safety measures
Fitting the battery
Before using the instrument, the battery must be fitted. This is carried out as follows:
1) Separate the instrument from any circuit, and remove the test leads.
2) Open the housing by removing the screw on the rear face.
3) Fit a new battery (1,5 V IEC LR6), taking care that the polarity is correct. Make sure
that no wires are trapped between the 2 halves of the housing, and close it again.
4) The instrument is now ready for use.
The selector switch must be turned to the desired type of measurement before
the probes are connected to the unit under test (UUT).
Before switching to a new function, the probes must always be removed from the
Use the instrument only in clean and dry surroundings. Dirt and moisture reduce
the effectiveness of the insulation, with consequent danger of electric shock, espe-
cially when dealing with high voltages.
Use the instrument only in the specified ranges.
Before making measurements, verify that the instrument is functioning properly,
for example by testing on a known voltage or current. .
Make sure that the test leads are undamaged.
PTDB93570002.qxd:Layout 1 30.05.2008 15:05 Uhr Seite