GO1 User Manual
Copyright © 2021 Unitree Robotics. All Rights Reserved
switch to the self-protection state and the robot's motor will automatically switch. Go to the brakes to
protect the parts.
Emergency Braking (Before Using this Function, Make Sure that the Unitree Official
Protection Frame and Rope are Used to Protect the Robot)
Under the developer mode, if the robot is out of control, you can cut off the power of the built-in power
distribution board of the robot by pressing and holding the OFF button for 1 second. The robot will lose
power. If there is no protection frame protection, the robot will directly drop. The electric fell to the
ground. If you need to restart the robot, you need to turn off the battery pack, adjust the robot to the
power-on state, and then start the machine according to the normal process.
In the case of emergency braking, if the robot does not have a protective frame protection, it
may cause the robot to break. Therefore, in the developer mode, the user must ensure that
the robot protects the robot by the protection frame and the protection rope.
When users use their own programs, there is a lot of uncertainty, the robot may do some
unexpected actions (Uncontrolled to the crowd, rushing to the water, high places Fall, leg
movements, tumbling). May cause damage to the robot.
One robot corresponds to a dedicated emergency brake remote control (the robot and the
emergency brake remote control are bound to each other), and the mixing is invalid.
Please use the emergency brake remote control within 10m from the robot in an environment
with no obstruction and no electromagnetic interference. Otherwise, the remote control
distance may be shortened or the remote control may be invalid.
[1] OFF Key
[2] Antenna
[3] Indicator light
[4] ON button (undefined)