Removal, Cleaning, and Replacement of the Desiccant
1. Turn Air Compressor “OFF” and unplug it.
2. Pull down on black lever and rotate metal cover 1/8 turn counterclockwise. Remove
metal cover by pulling straight down.
3. With a gently and slight twisting motion, pull the clear container downward slowly.
Pour out and discard old desiccant.
4. Refill clear container with fresh desiccant from a sealed bag. Fill to about ¼ inch from
top of container.
5. Clean off rubber o-ring on the top of the container.
6. Insert container up into the top.
7. Install metal cover and turn 1/8 turn until lever clicks into place.
If you have any questions or concerns about how to use the Air Compressor or Air Assist
options, please call, fax, or send email to:
Universal Laser Systems Inc.
Worldwide Service Center
16008 North 81
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 480-609-0297
Fax: 480-609-1203