If mark at P
is centered and mark at P
to one side or the other, adjust the upper knob
on the back of mirror #2 until the marks at P
and P
line up in that direction.
If mark at P
is not centered in the side to side direction, move the block on which
mirror #2 is mounted to one side or the other side (usually a very small amount of
movement is needed) while keeping it square against the rail (reference Figure 3)
32. Reinstall mirror #4 (see Optics Cleaning Section 4.3 for details on installation of mirror).
33. Place a piece of brown masking tape over the hole underneath the fourth mirror holder were
the optics holder attaches and indent the tape with a finger to make the inner circle visible.
34. Make a mark in the tape at both positions P
and P
using the TEST button.
35. Observe the two marks by looking through the front door at the underside of the motion
system. If the marks are centered and on top of one another proceed to step 36. If not make
the following adjustments while continuously comparing marks at positions P
and P2 (if
tape becomes to cluttered replace it with a new piece):
If marks are aligned but to the left or right of center (looking from the front of the
machine) move the block on which mirror #2 is mounted to one side or the other side
(usually a very small amount of movement is needed) while keeping it square against
the rail (reference Figure 3).
If marks are aligned but to the front or back of center, (looking from the front of the
machine) adjust shutter block in which mirror #1 is mounted a very slight amount.
If the marks are split in either direction, use steps a or b respectively to center the
mark at P
and then use the two knobs on the back of mirror #2 to center the mark at
position P
36. Reinstall the focus lens holder (see Optics Cleaning Section 4.3 for details on installation of
lens holder).
37. Reinstall the top cover and laser fan enclosure by reversing the steps used to remove the
two covers.
The plasma within the laser will deteriorate over time and eventually the laser will have to be
replaced. This is a normal occurrence with sealed CO2 lasers and ULS laser systems have been
designed with a field replaceable laser. This is not a routine maintenance procedure and you
should consult with a Universal Laser Systems technician as arrangements for a replacement
laser will have to be made.