21. Close top door and transmit data from computer. Engraving will begin. If dots are still
missing or not even, repeat steps 17a through 20 until dots are even and none are missing.
Note that Pulse Rate will not go below 100. When all dots are marking of the same
intensity and are evenly spacer, proceed to Step 23.
22. If Pulse Rate has been set to 100 and dots are still not even or are missing, go back to
original Pulse Rate and increase by 25. Repeat Steps 18a through 20 but continue to
increase Pulse Rate by 25 each time until all dots are even and none are missing. If you
reach 300 or more and still can't get stable markings, stop and call Universal Laser
Systems, Inc.
23. When dots are even and there are none missing, repeat steps 18a through 20 but increase
Pulse Rate by five until dots start to become uneven or missing, then lower Pulse Rate by
If you had to increase Pulse Rate to stabilize, repeat steps 18a through 20, reducing Pulse
Rate by five each time until dots started to become uneven or missing. Then raise Pulse
Rate by five.
24. When dots are even and none are missing, open top door and move paper to engrave a
clean area.
25. Close top door.
26. Depress and release keypad "P1". The motion system should move to the left and final
focus lens carriage should move to the front of the machine.
27. Verify that the laser does not leak and burn the paper. If it does, repeat Steps 10 through
13 to lower Pulse Width by one.
Do not set Pulse Width to 0 of laser is leaking. Call Universal Laser Systems for
recommendations if the Pulse Width is 1 and the system leaks and burns the