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By looking at the Signal column, you can see that the factory default pro-
gramming sets all of the devices to send IR commands. If you look at the
column for IR output, you can see that the default sends IR commands for
all devices to ALL of the IR outputs. Both options must be changed for
identical components.
3. Adjust the Signal For Each of the Identical Devices
The RF Setup window enables you to adjust the Signal output for each
device individually, by clicking on the intersection of a row and a column
and then selecting RF from the three options shown in the pull down list
Select RF from the three options shown for EACH of the identical TVs.
You may leave the other components of the system set to IR & RF.
4. Adjust the Flashers For Each of the Identical Devices
The RF Setup window enables you to adjust which Flashers output by the
remote control for each device individually, by clicking on the intersec-
tion of a row and a column and then selecting
from the seven
options shown in the pull down list box.
Select the correct Flasher (refer to your connection notes) for EACH of
the identical TVs. You may leave the other components of the system set
to ALL.
See figure on the next page.