Chapter 4: Subsystem Connection and Operation
Power On
Power On Procedure
When powering on the AR3016G, please follow these steps:
Step 1.
Power on the Fibre Channel connection devices.
These devices include the hubs, switches, and any other such
device that have been connected to the AR3016G. Please refer to
the manual that came with your FC device to see the power on
All necessary SFP transceivers and cables connections must be made
between subsystems before turn on the subsystem. If you power on the
subsystem before correctly connect cables, unexpected damages may
Step 2.
Power on the AR3016G.
The first AR3016G should be powered on before the host computers.
To power on the AR3016G, please follow the description below.
Using the power cords provided in the package, connect both
power sockets on the subsystem rear panel to the main power
Turn the two (2) power switches on. (See
Figure 4-3
) Each
switch controls a single PSU, therefore make sure that both
switches are turned on.
Figure 4-3: EonStor Subsystem Power Switches
Although the PSUs are redundant and a single PSU can provide
sufficient power to the system, it is advisable to turn both the power
switches on. If only one (1) PSU is operating and that PSU fails, the
whole system will crash.
Step 3.
Power on the host computers.